XIII International Conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications - AMPL-2017
September 10-15, 2017, Tomsk, Russia
Author's Index
Author: Chebotarev G.D. (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia)
List of reports:
- G.D. Chebotarev
Methods for numerical optimization of the characteristics of the strontium and calcium vapour recombination lasers
- G.D. Chebotarev, E.L. Latush, A.N. Soldatov, Yu.P. Polunin, A.S. Shumeiko, N.A. Yudin
Optimization of the He-Sr laser parameters in the regime of simultaneous oscillations on visivle and IR transitions
- A.N. Soldatov, G.D. Chebotarev, E.L. Latush, Yu.P. Polunin, A.S. Shumeiko, N.A. Yudin
Strontium vapour laser with ionisation and recombination mechanisms of inversion formation